Saturday, January 06, 2007

Alone again ... naturally

Hello all! It's Saturday and I'm all alone again. Naturally.
My kids and hub are at the in-laws. I'm going to clean (allegedly). But of course here I am on the computer. But I need to update my blog RIGHT, RIGHT? Anyway, I was over at DST and read this weird thread about Mo Jackson. I don't know who that is really but I've heard various stories while I've been in the digital biz. Anyway, the thread has its own life now, with no mo talk of Mo.
I have decided to remove myself from DST before I waste anymore time!
Anyway, I have started designing my LOOOOOOVE kit (said in Barry White voice). It's turning out pretty cool. Here are some pics of what I'm working on.

Yes anyone can make this using AC actions, BUT (and that's a big but) I'm not quite done with it yet.

Well, that's all I can post for now, Blogger hates me again. Curses.

Anyway, I am going to go clean now and eat some chocolate and soak up the sun. BYEEE!

1 comment:

Terri said...

I just had some chocolate myself lol. I think your heart is LOVEly, no pun intended. I am heading out, but wanted to check out your blog. Have fun cleaning, wink!

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