Friday, August 17, 2007

Been struggling with weight ... again

I'm sick of it! I'm tired of dieting too! I've been exercising (does yoga count?) and I just wish my body would quit rebelling! Enough already!
I know my hubbo is less-than-pleased with my figure but like the middle-aged man on SNL said "I'm working on it!" I weigh 155 right now at a height of 5'6", so I'm not totally beyond hope.
OK. On to something more pleasant ...
I bought a space bag yesterday, and can you say AWESOME!

I put like an entire dresser full into an extra large bag and VOILA! Instant space. Hence the name I guess.
Soooo, I'm going to buy a whole boatload of these things and I will never have space problems again muhahahahha (manacial laugh).
I have a new freebie for you, it's a sampler from my new kit Lavendar Vivant. I love this kit soooooooooooo much I decided to use it for my blog header and my upcoming ad in the DST newsletter.

and here's the original kit, which will be available at SBE on Sunday!
Go to my store at

So enjoy my friends! Here is your link! Have a good weekend...


Patricia Hodge said...

Try not to get discouraged about your weight. I would love to weigh 155 and I am much shorter than 5'6". Keep working on it and things will happen.

Sara E said...

ok...the space bag is really cool .....
but if it could do miracles like shrinking junk and toys.... hello! that would be heaven

Anonymous said...

I'm with patricia! I bet you look wonderful! I am 5'4" and weigh - um, more than 155. LOL I still haven't lost the baby weight. Of course, i weighed 160 when I got pregnent with the second one some work to do. LOL

Beautiful kit! Awesome on the space bag! I want one!

Brandi said...

Thanks for the sampler! Congrats on the job, and I love the new look for the blog. :)

Stephanie said...

Thank you Brandi, I was wondering where you were :)

Maria said...

Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your most beautiful sampler!

Anonymous said...

Love the sampler! Thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

I have wanted to get some of those bags.With 4 generations living in one apt it gets cramped.Thanks for sharing~~Anne

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these awesome graphics. Good luck with your weight issues - it really is a struggle.

Monica Inspired said...

PLEASE don't worry about your weight, just eat sensibly and exercise as much as you can!! I had been trying for over 3 years to lose 1 stone without success. Then last year I was found to have FMS (fibromyalgia) and I've dropped 4 dress sizes and lost about 3 stones! I'm bedbound and suffering. I tell you, I'd rather have the 3 stones back along with my health! I know that the Lord has some reason - maybe since I've now found digiscrapping I'll fulfil my dream to become a designer and give love to others as you are doing. I used to nurse so it's important that I continue to do whatever I can to share love amongst others.
Now I've totally lost where I'm at so I'll sign off and come back. :) Mo

Monica Inspired said...

Brain is now back in gear!

Your kit is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME so I've added it to my wishlist file. I adore the colours and the elegant elements.

The little sampler is a lovely appetiser - you're a gentle teaser - but a warm and generous one. Many thanks. Hugs and Blessings.

Tiffany said...

You are too funny! I'm shorter and chubbier...but I always say big is beautiful! If it helps, you can stand by me and work... it should make you feel thinner! ;)

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